Friday 15 November 2013
The fairytale inside your head is your new best friend Posted at 04:06 0 comments (+)
It's 3.30am, and I'm awake. My body clock is screwed and I guess I've kinda given up trying to fix it. Some days, i can sleep at 8pm and be up at 5am to study. Some days, I won't be able to fall asleep until 3-ish in the morning.

The best thing about staying up is that I get what I don't get in the morning - serenity. Listening to Boyce Avenue, sipping my chrysanthemum tea (nope, no sugar. Just chrysanthemum flowers and hot water) and typing away.

It's a crucial period now, with finals just 10 days away. Yeah, I don't even know what I'm doing here since blogging is definitely not one of my tasks in my to-do list.. Guess I've really changed. In the past, having a to-do list and planning my days really detailedly helped me to push myself and work even harder.

An example of detailed planning goes like this:
8-10am: Chapter x, complete notes and identify questions
10-10.20am: Break
10.20am-11am: Buffer time, if not do chapter xx

There are a few reasons why I think lists don't work for me:
1) I'm getting really lazy
2) Studying is not my priority anymore (What is, then?)

I guess it's more of the latter. I'm not saying that studying isn't important. In fact, back in JC, getting into a local university was a DO or DIE thing. It was like my life depended on it. After I got into SMU, I kinda brainwashed myself that GPA isn't really important and "things will be fine as long as I get above 3" But sometimes, I get the idea that 3 is definitely NOT enough and I get upset at myself for not working hard. (See the similarity between this and my body clock - maybe that's why, lol)

Maybe it's because I've been working hard since Secondary school that I'm so sick of it. I'm sick of going for classes, submitting my homework on time, being the good student etc. I just wna play and NOT study the day before my exams, but I know, I won't do it.

Ranting on and on doesn't help, so I guess I'll just make this short and continue with my IEA revision.

P/s: I started on the sample paper about 6 weeks before finals and consulted prof on it. And he was surprised because he said that people only start on it a week before finals. (Lol ame, so much for wanting to play and not study -_- I really contradict myself sometimes)

Okay, I take it all back. I really want my hardwork to pay off, just like in midterms. Because my parents have paid so much for my education (Five thousand plus for one semester, damn it) and it can't go to waste.
Have been making overnight oats for breakfast since Monday. Super yums and healthy!
All you got to do is mix oatmeal, non-fat yoghurt (yes, those disgusting sour ones), low-fat milk/soyabean milk and nuts and leave it in the fridge overnight. ^^ 
 Meal-prep for school. Veggies, mushrooms and baked beans. 
Only spent $2.50 this week so far, HEHEHEH 
 Baked wholemeal bread using the bread maker. So damn goooood but it's always not enough for the family hahaha 

Before I go, current favourite quote: 
"If you're not as smart as others, you can study harder. 
If you're not as fit (skinny, in my case) as others, you can work out more. 
But if you're less determined than others, there's nothing you can do." 

And what someone told me 2 years back (in JC):
"Amelia Kang, you're the most hardworking girl I've ever met wtf" 

Now, where did the hardworking girl go to?
 photo c77f881f-b1c7-4456-b5db-41b69a650a2c_zps9ef445f2.jpg
Amelia, 21, Marketing and Corporate Communication student in SMU and I'm kinda funny. Hehe.

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